Saturday, October 9, 2010

*Donna News*

Welcome to the third edition of Donna News!

Aren't you all just the luckiest, two updates in less than a week!! Well I hear my gchat ringtone go off this morning at like 4am. I considered going back to sleep and ignoring it. Well I decided to go ahead and look, as you guessed it was DONNA! I stumbled through my apartment trying to locate my computer, which was very difficult in my half REM sleep state. :-P She had a half day today and was able to get on at 2pm her time. She managed to locate an internet cafe that had a section for women so she could surf safely and this cafe was closer to her host family than the other. So a win-win in my book!

As I stated earlier, I am updating you on the mail situation. She got the packages she sent herself the day before she flew out of Houston! WHOOP! So, packages will make it. She hasn't received any letters yet, although she heard that letters actually take longer to make it to Azeri than packages. I personally think its because you get to define where you are sending the package through the customs information and all the packing labels you are required to fill out. I have been informed by Afua, that air mail letters sometimes make it through easier for international mailing. If anyone tries it, please let me know when you send it so we can track the time.

Ok, so now what you guys are really wanting. Donna's stories of her fun in Azeri! No major changes in schedule right now, she is still neck deep in classes and learning everything she can.

"So I have found a treasure…NUTELLA! Yes, ma’am, I found it! This jar will be my study buddy tomorrow. I am meeting up with Julie tomorrow to relax and study. Bread here is abundant so it shouldn’t be difficult to find a companion to my nummy treasure.
Language classes are getting intense. We have to be in class for 4 hours 6 days a week and on top of that it’s in the afternoon after 3+ hours of technical classes... I work hard and study as much as I can, while trying to balance living in a strange country, in a new house, around new people, PLUS homework from technical classes.

My Busy Days (4-5 days of the week)
630-830 Study/Do Homework/Eat Breakfast
930-1245 Technical Sessions
1245-200 Wander around or study in a strange spot or read or go home and eat
200-630 Language Classes
630-700 Go home
700-800 Dinner
800-1000 Study/Do Homework for classes (usually I am dog tired by this)

Today we have only language class from 9-… oops I need to leave! LOVE YOU!"

HAHA that girl, its a wonder she makes it sometimes! It sounds like she is as busy as she was before she left. But I think she is finding the little nuggets of home, like amazing Nutella which I just bought myself this week (WE ARE CONNECTED).

Alright, more email information below:

"10/03/2010: After I talked to you guys we left and went to Dove park where we met up with some other PCTs. It was great to share some. I also purchased some kontor for my phone so if we ever are able to text or call each other I’ll have stuff to do so. A lot of families call trainees and volunteers using skype...just sayin. ;)

I’m doing homework at the moment and getting my calendar set up while the family is making some of the most amazing dish, EVER! They are giggling and having fun. I think this family is absolutely perfect for me. So full of life and so happy. I truly thank the PC for setting them up for me.
OH and when I got home I got to help cook (said amazing dish) PLUS take a shower!!!!!!

I got the packages that you sent out with me! The books are going to get me through a lot. Although, my host mother doesn’t like me reading English because it’s not Azeri studies. Haha. I have to say though it’s really nice sometimes to have such a light hearted family. We laugh a lot and some jokes don’t need translation. Like when I’m working on my speech she will tell me besh defe (5 times), she wants me to repeat the phrase 5 times correctly. This can go on forever because by the 5th one I will mess up and have to start over. So when one of the kids was showing me their English book, I read out English and said “Besh defe, English, English, English, English, English”. The mom was laughing so hard she turned red and then told me next time it will be On-defe…. Which means say it 10 times.

If you guys have been sending me text messages or trying to call I know why it is not working, I didn’t get the right kontors for my phone. I found this out 2 days ago that it has to say “simsim” for it to work internationally and I didn’t get on that said that. UGH!

It appears that my host mother is awake and probably tsk tsk-ing at me not studying. HAHA! Again, I am very happy to be doing this but I needed someone to talk to. When things get too overwhelming I just pop in my iPod and jam out to Dave. The Best of What’s Around, 41, and Jimi Thing have gotten me through some rough patches. The kitten here is getting so big. He’s so adorable, even when he wakes me up at 4am.

I’m doing well in my language class, compared to my cluster, I’m average but I think overall I’m above average. We want to be the best scoring cluster so we are all pushing it…and some want to be the best in our cluster. My cluster has 5 people, 3 boys and 2 girls and the average age is probably 26.

Well the kitten moved my window visit back to 6:50am, how very considerate of Rex. Now I think he is snooping through my stuff.

Oh did I tell you that my host brother has an English accent? He’s so adorable. When I was walking home with (a cluster mate) I saw my host brother on his way to boxing class. It’s always wonderful to see him and then like a block later I crossed paths with my host dad. I asked him how he was doing (in azeri).. host brother is very excited about something right now and I think I heard my name. And by excited I mean like frantic. Unless I hear my host mom say my name repeatedly I’ll just stay inside my room. So I’ll assume everything is ok. Anyways, life here is so crazy! I freakin love it! It’s just amazing how I can walk down the road and see a documentary in my head about post-soviet life.

I did have something terrible happen today and I feel so embarrassed. I went into a store and purchased some kontours for my phone and I bought the wrong ones!!! I paid 10 manat for it too! I ALSO removed the silver stuff that hides the numbers. So my LCF is going to see if anyone that can use it would like to buy it from me. 10 manat is precious to me. I wanted to buy a lot so that I wouldn’t have to worry about it anymore but I made too many mistakes. Just a lesson that I have learned. My LCF said that she would take me to the store to see what card to buy so that I can contact you guys and vice-versa.

I was planning on going to an internet café at lunch but I couldn’t get a straight answer from anyone about the café I wanted to go to so I skipped it. I’d rather not play around with the gender roles here just yet. I really would love to send off this message but in time I will make it to an internet café.

OH now my host dad is home. Sounds exciting in there. I can’t wait to be able to understand all the conversations going on. Or find out if they like me. I asked my LCF to ask the family if there is anything I need to do or if I’m on good terms with them. She is suppose to call them weekly and check up on everything so hopefully she’ll do that soon and tell me if there is anything I should adjust. Ok.. my eyelids are closing. I hope I can send out this email soon and respond to the ones in my inbox. It’s kinda strange not to have the instant communication with email. I’m debating if I should upgrade my phone but I’m sure I’ll just figure something out with an Internet card. K I’m sweepy..and I love you.

10/09/10: Today is day II of ACL. L Oh how I wish I were there. Today we have language class, group project, and hopefully end the day out with internet. We have heard about an Internet café that is close and has a section for women, which is excellent! This morning I got up at 6:30am to let the cat in, work on homework, and eat breakfast. Now when I type this stuff it appears to be monotonous and that is where the PC is different. I have to fight my window to open it so that I don’t wake up the whole house, homework is getting easier but it’s always there, and eating breakfast is so different here.

I always feel guilty for the messages I send you guys but it’s hard to type what is going on here and the emotions I go through during the day. I will try to start taking pictures but it’s kind of a strange thing here. Since a lot of people still think that Americans here are spies they are not fond of people taking a lot of pictures. Also if I bring out my camera it could be assumed that I have money and be a potential target.

My new friend is my “it stick”. I tell the host mom it is for dogs (it) but really it’s for my protection. I don’t always feel safe walking home so I carry a stick. Most of the PC people find it hilarious, which it is, but to me it’s just a thing to make me a little more comfortable in my surroundings. After I told this one PCV about my it stick she said that it is not uncommon for people to do that. PHEW! During certain times of the day I attract a lot of unwanted attention and my stick makes me feel better.

I’m about half-way thru with The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. I’ve been reading it during the times when I’m early for events. I can already see that I am changing because my neurotic self is calming down. I still understand why people say that in the PC you will feel uncomfortable each day. It’s a strange thing to explain but totally true."

So, I can see that she is not having the easiest time, but I think determined Donna is making an appearance and she is getting the job done. We were able to talk to her for about an hour and then she had to go home. This chat was a little less sad, maybe I am getting better at this. At least I could read the screen as I chatted with her! :-P She is working hard to figure out how to have more contact with us. I am still very appreciative of the contact that we do get with her. Anything more would be a fabulous bonus.

Sorry, if this blog post is a little off, I am still waking up fully for a Saturday, but trust me I am not complaining about getting to talk to her!

We tried to see if she would be able to give us any kind of schedule as to when she has internet, but she said she couldn't nail it down due to the fact that she needs to go to the cafes with a group to be safer.

If she does send any pictures, I will definitely be sure to add them to the blog, or at least a sample, and then put them on Facebook or some medium that everyone can access.

Of those that responded, you said you preferred to read all of Donna's ramblings in one blog post. So you guys get another long one!!

That concludes this edition of Donna News! Hope you enjoyed it.

Have a great morning!


  1. I am happy that it sounds like she has a great host family! I just cannot imagine anyone wanting to mess with her...she is sooo scarey! JK! :-)

  2. Like mamma like daughter huh? :P

    Thanks for the post again Tati..great to read them :D keep it going.. :) and nice that she got a great host family.. :D
