Sunday, October 24, 2010


So Donna added a lot of photos on Facebook, but I wanted to upload the better ones of her in other PCT's albums here for all to see and a place to keep it!

Please Enjoy!

Donna looking awesome!!

This was taken at the end of the day walking around the mud volcanos and our Donna was a wee bit tired!

Someone doesn't look like she is actually paying attention and doing the work she is supposed too! :-D



  1. Uh, yeah, where is all of this studying happening??? More importantly, when??? Hmmmm...

    JK! Love you Donna Marie

    PS Great job Tatianna!

  2. Tati I just wanted to say thanks so much for all of the updates, you're awesome! I'm soooo excited that we've finally got some pictures :o)

  3. I do what I can!! I like updating and keeping everyone informed on her. Its the closest I can get to tracking her without adding a microchip under her skin!! HAHA JK I would never do that!
