Tuesday, May 24, 2011


"And you said, it was fire around the brim
Burning solid, burning thin the burning rim
Like stars burning holes right through the dark
Flicking fire like saltwater into my eyes
You were one inch from the edge of this bed
I dragged you back a sleepyhead, sleepyhead"

Let's see what have I been up to lately...

I know this is really late but here is some of what I did during the month of March.  Novruz is the Spring holiday during March. You can find more information here or here.

FUNNY STORY ALERT!  You guys should all be aware by now that I love to try everything once.  Well during this holiday you jump over a fire 3 times and you make wishes during this process.  My host family found it funny for me to say the one about wanting to get married this year.  So yeah, I'm game, why not?  We did the fire jumping and then went inside to enjoy some delicious food.  While we were hanging out and chattin' it up a hat was thrown into the house!  I nearly died!  This is also a tradition during this time, children knock on the doors, throw the hat, and then run.  Well my host nana filled the hats and talked to the parents of the kids.  She told the woman what I had said during the fire jumping, which just made me laugh...at that moment...  Well my host family knows my child-like spirit so they took me to toss my own hat. The woman that we tossed our hats to was the same woman at the house and she had something to tell me and it went a little something like this.. (the words are still blurry but the plot is there).

Woman: Do you really want to get married?
Me: Yeah!
Woman: I found a boy.
Me: Cool!
Woman: Do you want to meet him?
Me: Oh... ha ha.. No...

I probably shouldn't play around with these women... BUT does that stop me? NEVER!! Skip 2 months later.

Woman: How are you?
Me: I'm great!
(small chit-chat)
Woman: Do you like Azerbaijan?
Woman: Are you single?
Me: Yes.
Woman: You should marry an Azeri man and live in Azerbaijan forever.
Me: InshALLAH! (God Willing!)
Woman: Really?!
Me: Oh..no.. ha ha ha..

Yeah.. I don't learn.  I probably have this conversation about 50% of the time when I meet a new woman on the street.  I kid you not.  I've been told there are sons and nephews available.

BACK to the Novruz goodies.. Here is an excerpt from one of my attempts to type up my happenings during March.. Nush olsun.

"Friday night, the Barda crew and a couple other PCV’s got together for Megan’s birthday and had some fun.  Afterwards, I took my FIRST night train into Baku! It was an experience.  I can’t take all the credit for my successful trip because I got help from my friend, Elvin.  He’s been such a great help to me and other volunteers in Barda.  I call him my Azeri Brother and I don’t know what’s going to happen once he permanently relocates to Baku, BUT I’m excited about his wedding!  It’s going to be exciting!  My other friend picked me up from the train station, which arrived an hour and a half later, ummm ooops. Sorry. HAHA! Then I was lucky enough to attend an event where the new US Ambassador, Matthew Bryza, for Azerbaijan was present and talking to the young minds of Azerbaijan.  The topic was interesting and it was fascinating to see the debate held between the group and Bryza. To watch the whole video click here.
After the event, I met up with my gal Jodi and had some delicious food and some good times with good friends.  The next day we all got together for some Sunday Brunch and I headed to Sumgayit with Jon (who was also visiting his Sumgayit Host Family).  It was amazing to see to my old host family.  I missed them dearly.  It showed me how far I have come with my language training even though my speaking isn’t at the same level as my listening skills.  News about my Sumgayit host family: my host sister got engaged, they miss me too, and we made a big bonfire for Novruz.
Now the days following (Wed-Sun) I was lucky enough to stay with one of my friends and his wonderful family that let me crash at their place, eat their food, and use their shower.  Yup those are important qualities to me and it made my time there quite amazing.  I was impressed with their friendliness, intelligence, and generosity.  During those days I visited with other PCV’s that came through Baku, worked on different projects over the internet, talked to my family, and explored Baku.  I walked all over that city and spent some time next to the sea just letting my mind go.  It was a relaxing time and I had a blast!"

I will post more stories...later (InsAllah!)

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